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日時: 2013/09/07 16:50
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Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.1 )
日時: 2013/10/21 23:53
名前: Ken  <wfamily@ida.net>
参照: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003447208042

Your post captures the issue pereyctlf!
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.2 )
日時: 2013/10/24 06:35
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If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I'd say "Kowabunga, dude!"
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.3 )
日時: 2013/10/25 06:00
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That's a nicely made answer to a challenging question
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.4 )
日時: 2013/10/28 15:34
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I literally jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
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日時: 2013/10/30 11:13
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Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.6 )
日時: 2013/11/04 18:08
名前: online auto insurance  <admin@fungamercrew.de>
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You know what, I'm very much inclined to agree.
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.7 )
日時: 2013/11/08 17:12
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Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.8 )
日時: 2013/11/13 09:40
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Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.9 )
日時: 2013/11/17 00:54
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日時: 2013/12/10 14:38
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Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.11 )
日時: 2013/12/11 23:56
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I never thought I would find such an everyday topic so enthralling!
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.12 )
日時: 2013/12/21 18:12
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I'm not worthy to be in the same forum. ROTFL
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日時: 2013/12/24 05:19
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Your article was excellent and erudite.
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.14 )
日時: 2013/12/24 13:42
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Just the type of insight we need to fire up the debate.
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.15 )
日時: 2013/12/27 04:21
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Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and running.
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.16 )
日時: 2013/12/27 12:43
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Finding this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!
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日時: 2013/12/28 23:45
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Your post is a timely contribution to the debate
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.18 )
日時: 2013/12/31 16:50
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I bow down humbly in the presence of such greatness.
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.19 )
日時: 2014/01/02 21:50
名前: health insurance online  <jerzy.szpunar@usask.ca>
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All of my questions settled-thanks!
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.20 )
日時: 2014/01/07 03:03
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Reading posts like this make surfing such a pleasure
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.21 )
日時: 2014/01/07 19:00
名前: www.treatbacterialinfections.com  <maik.smoke@hotmail.de>
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This is a most useful contribution to the debate
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.22 )
日時: 2014/01/20 08:16
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Finding this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.23 )
日時: 2014/01/22 17:39
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You are so awesome for helping me solve this mystery.
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.24 )
日時: 2014/01/25 12:22
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One or two to remember, that is.
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.25 )
日時: 2014/01/31 01:49
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This site is like a classroom, except I don't hate it. lol
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.26 )
日時: 2014/02/02 05:37
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That's a genuinely impressive answer.
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.27 )
日時: 2014/02/11 14:46
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IMHO you've got the right answer!
Re: 繝ォ繧、繝エ繧」繝医Φ繧ウ繝斐シ ( No.28 )
日時: 2014/02/13 23:31
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